A Solid C - Andy Andrews' The Noticer

In The Noticer, an old, friendly sage, Jones (not Mr. Jones), weaves his way in and out of the lives in one small, all-American town. He finds people in their moment of need and helps give them a little "perspective".
I really wanted to like this book. I respect the author, appreciate the publisher, and was interested in its premise. So it was with some anticipation that I dove in. I had a hard time finding a pace with the story. It felt a bit like the author had grabbed the good ideas from a handful of other gems books and tried to condense those into a chapter each (i.e. the early chapter about Jan & Barry sounds very much like Chapman's Love Languages), making it feel a bit jerky in pace. Jones was an interesting character, but I found his character development too vague. I understand that his mystery is part of the point, but there wasn't enough there to grab on to - Is he God or an angel? Does he disappear or is he traveling elsewhere?
I didn't hate this book; in fact, I'll probably pass it on to my parents next. I think it is likely one that will either really resonate with someone or it will fall flat. Unfortunately for me, it was the latter.
Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger: http://brb.thomasnelson.com/